Comprehensive Virtual Care EMR
This unique cloud-based solution is an all-inclusive electronic medical records solution suitable for use in a variety of medical service delivery environment to include:
- Ambulatory In-Office Encounter Mgmt. System
- Ambulatory Outpatient Procedures Mgmt. System
- Telehealth Encounter Mgmt. System
- Emergency Services Mgmt. System
- Hospital In-Patient Care Mgmt. System
- Remote Chronic Care Mgmt. System
- Remote Patient Monitoring Mgmt. System
- Laboratory Information System
- Radiology Information System
- Global Situation Response, Intervention and Reporting System
The Architecture Behind this Remarkable System is What Makes It So Uniquely Suited for use as a National Health Preparedness & Response Platform (i.e. Pandemics etc.) and National Health Information Exchange!
The system is cloud-based and was developed to be capable of being “Licensed’ (Controlled) by an unlimited number of Customer’s (Agencies, Federal or Other) with an unlimited number of Geographies (States, Counties) for an unlimited number of Locations (Hospitals. Clinics, Nursing Homes etc.) all serving an unlimited number of Patient/Consumers (including those in the home) with reporting by any one or more of the above in real-time.
The Solutions ability of being configured to be “interoperable” with every other disparate EHR/EMR system is considered to be the Holy Grail in information system architecture.
The following screen shots images are for the express purposes of presenting a high-level overview of the major Clinical Systems available in the Enterprise Architecture of the Solution. Please free to contact us by Clicking on the Request a Demo and we will be happy to schedule a virtual presentation of the entire solution.